
萩焼 猫ポット(大)ryo-10 小久保凌雲作  h19cm Hagiyaki cat pot (large) ryo-10 by Ryoun Kokubo/Japanese pottery studio

¥11,000($70.40) tax included

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萩焼 猫ポット(大) 小久保凌雲作


猫好きな方必見! 萩焼作家、小久保凌雲先生の猫型ポットです。手作りならではの温かみと、猫の可愛らしさが溢れるデザインに、きっと心を奪われます。


小久保 凌雲 Kokubo Ryoun
生年月日 1950年6月29日
出身地 三重県鳥羽市
所属 萩陶芸家協会理事
窯元名 凌雲窯
開窯年 1976年
「茶の湯の造形展」茶碗、水指 入選

h19cm Hagiyaki cat pot (large) ryo-10 by Ryoun Kokubo/Japanese pottery studio

Approximate size
(Please use the size as an approximate guide.)

A must-see for cat lovers! This is a cat-shaped pot created by Hagiyaki artist Ryoun Kokubo. You will be captivated by the warmth of handmade products and the design, which is filled with the cuteness of cats.
This pot has an earthy texture that is unique to Hagiyaki, creating a natural atmosphere. It also features a pattern that resembles the coat of a calico cat, giving it a modern yet cute design.
It's a gem that you'll definitely want to have while you're at work or for a special tea time when you're inviting friends over. It is also recommended as a gift for cat lovers.
Make your tea time even more special with a pot made by Ryoun Kokubo.

*The cat's head is the lid of the pot.
When closing the lid, there is a map on the back of the lid as shown in the image, so insert the map first and close the lid.
When opening the lid, open it from the side of your cat's face.
Please check the photos.

Kokubo Ryoun
Exploring culture and spirit in the plastic world with the theme of fusion of Japan and the West
Date of birth: June 29, 1950
Birthplace: Toba City, Mie Prefecture
Affiliation Director of Hagi Ceramics Association
Kiln name: Ryoun Kiln
Opening year: 1976
1993, 1996 Tabe Museum of Art
Selected for "Chanoyu Art Exhibition" for tea bowl and water finger

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¥11,000 ($70.40) tax included
