
刷毛目茶碗 小久保凌雲作 萩焼 径13.6cm 高さ7.7cm Hakeme tea bowl, by Ryoun Kokubo, Hagiyaki, diameter 13.6cm, height 7.7cm

¥127,000($812.80) tax included

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刷毛目茶碗 小久保凌雲作 萩焼


サイズ:径13.6cm 高さ7.7cm

小久保 凌雲 Kokubo Ryoun
生年月日 1950年6月29日
出身地 三重県鳥羽市
所属 萩陶芸家協会理事
窯元名 凌雲窯
開窯年 1976年
「茶の湯の造形展」茶碗、水指 入選


Hakeme tea bowl, by Ryoun Kokubo, Hagiyaki

A “Hakeme tea bowl” was painstakingly created by Hagiyaki artist Ryoun Kokubo. This bowl, which is characterized by its bold brushwork, is a beautiful bowl that will fit in your hand every time you use it. The rich texture unique to Hagiyaki matches the modern design, allowing you to enjoy a new style of matcha time.
This item is perfect for those who want to start the tea ceremony or are looking for a tea bowl for everyday use.

Size: Diameter 13.6cm Height 7.7cm
The box will be shipped later. (It will take 2-3 weeks)

Kokubo Ryoun
Exploring culture and spirit in the plastic world with the theme of fusion of Japan and the West
Date of birth: June 29, 1950
Birthplace: Toba City, Mie Prefecture
Affiliation Director of Hagi Ceramics Association
Kiln name: Ryoun Kiln
Opening year: 1976
1993, 1996 Tabe Museum of Art
Selected for "Chanoyu Art Exhibition" for tea bowl and water finger

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¥127,000 ($812.80) tax included
